Wednesday, March 5, 2014

DIY Decorative Towels

I have to start by saying that even though February is a shorter month, I still cannot believe how fast it actually went by. It feels like it was here and gone in a matter of seconds!

I had so many more ideas but things have not gone quite as planned. Learning how to manage work, house projects, friends, time with Josh and everything else all while trying to turn this blog into what I want it to has been very challenging. It also doesn't help to have mother nature going through her mid-life crisis and causing snow, upon cold, upon snow. These frigid temperatures keep me planted on my couch way more than I like to admit and I am ready for it to be done! This weather sucks the life and energy out of me! But, I will trudge on and do like the rest of the Midwest and keep praying for warmth!

This past weekend I did a project that I decided on a whim and was really pleased with the results! Our upstairs bathroom does not need much in the way of decor but I did decide I needed a curtain and some decorative towels. The window in the bathroom lets in great amounts of natural light so I only made a half curtain to keep some light while still preventing creeps from peeping in the window. The couple we bought the house from did a great job with the design of the bathroom and I have always planned on keeping the baby-blue/black & white theme. So, I picked out a damask/floral style pattern for the curtains and I decided to use leftover scraps to spruce up the towels I got!

Here is what I used to make these towels. I got a yard of fabric and only used about a foot and a half to make my curtain, used what I needed for the towels, and I still have fabric left.Win, win!
I bought 2 black standard bath towels,  two white hand towels and one black hand towel.

The first thing I did was decide what size I wanted the strips, then measured and cut them. I made the strips for the standard towels 2 inches and the strips for the small hand towels 1 inch.

Once I got all of my strips cut I used an iron to fold over the edges so that once I sewed them onto the towels there would be no frayed edges. Because even though these are DIY I wanted them to look like they could have been store bought.

After I got the edges fold and ironed, I had to pin the strips onto the towel to be sewn. 

Sewing the strips onto the towels was the most difficult part, as expected. The folds were very thin and kept coming undone but even as an amateur sewer (I cannot even refer to myself as a seamstress) I was able to get them sewn and they turned out really good!

Once they were done I was so anxious to get them hung! Our bathroom has two towel bars on either side of the bathtub and part of me wanted to replace them with shelves but I am glad I decided not to because I love the new towels! I feel like I turned the towels from just an asset in the bathroom to decor with minimal effort.

Now, I just need to get my little black chandelier to hang and this bathroom will be just about perfect!
We have so many projects still to do and I am doing my best to keep track of them to share. 
Keep an eye out for progress pictures this weekend!


  1. You are such great gal. I can tell that you are living a "rich" life and having a ball being a new homemaker and wife! I think i love your house as much as YOU do (Y) <3

  2. John G is my son Johnny Cricket! I am apparently posting under his google blog account, but I am cousin Carolyn Earl Gentner, Johnny's mom! LOL
