
Hello, there!

My name is Cricket, and welcome to my blog! Starting a blog is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I could not be more excited to have finally done it! Woohoo!

I am a newlywed and absolutely love being married. It is nothing like the fairy tales, it's better because it's real life!

I sat and tried to rattle off "interesting" facts about myself but got kind of bored so I decided to have a question & answer to make it a little easier and of course, more fun.

1. Are you a morning or night person? Morning. I am 23 going on 73 with early nights & early mornings.
2. Do you prefer, sweet or salty foods? Depends, but usually salty
3. Are you a collector of anything? Cards. I have nearly every birthday, Christmas, graduation & now wedding card I have ever received. (Honestly not sure what it is about them that I cannot let go of
4. If you could be any animal, what would you be? A bird. The ability to fly would be phenomenal!
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To fly!
6. What is usually your first thought when you wake up? Depends on the day. 
7. What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? Everything. I am a terrible over analyzer.
8. What's your favorite color? It changes all the time and totally depends on what i am choosing a color for.
9. What's your favorite animal? None? Haha, I don't have a favorite animal.
10. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, and would love to experience them at some day!
11. If you were given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on? I would never want that kind of  responsibility and pressure.
12. Have any bad habits? Biting my nails.
13. Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy? People.Who.Drag.Their.Feet.
14. Any tattoos or piercings? Yes. I have a friendship tattoo and a Cricket, of course!
15. List 5 goals on your life's to-do list: Become a mama. Never let my marriage fail. Live in our dream home for many years. Make other people happy. Be the best person I can be.

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