Sunday, February 16, 2014

House Tour!

I feel somewhat like an unloving mama to my little blog lately. Between moving, unpacking and decorating, working extra hours and welcoming a new nephew, our little world has been quite crazy lately. I didn't plan on putting the blog on the back burner for so long but having gone a prolonged period without internet was also not on the agenda. But, we have gotten it all figured out and are back in business!

I have been wanting to take pictures of the house long before we even purchased it. I fell head over heels IN.LOVE. with this house about 2 weeks after it was listed for sale. It has become an obsession ever since. Deep down I knew that somehow I would live in the house one day. These pictures are the pictures that I took immediately after closing and being handed our keys. Since Josh and I both took the day off for closing and to start painting, I had to rush to get pictures in before we could no longer contain ourselves and started making our mark! We are fully moved in, mostly unpacked and have done the majority of the painting and quite a bit of decorating and I will post progress pictures soon.

So, without further ado.. A tour through Home Sweet Nelson!


Living Room

Dining Room


Main Floor Bathroom


Master Bedroom

Upstairs Hallway

Bedroom #2/Office

Bedroom #3

Upstairs Bathroom



  1. I love all that wood! Beautiful home!!!

  2. Thanks Heather! We are absolutely in love with it!

  3. Waiting for more, Cricket! This is an adorable home already!

  4. Thanks Molly! I will be posting progress pictures this weekend!
