Monday, March 31, 2014

Life Lately

Hi friends!

It is crazy to think that it has been over two weeks since my last post! Our life has been so exciting yet so busy lately. We haven't completed much around the house given the fact that we added a new addition to our little family. For those who do not follow my personal facebook page or my IG you have yet to meet our little pup.

Introducing... Opie. Also known as Ope, Opie Dope, Pups, Pupsicle, Wittle Baby and any other goofy nickname that comes to my mind. And for those who are wondering, yes, he is named Opie after the beloved character from Son's of Anarchy. We couldn't resist. :)

Opie is a chiweenie (hehe.. I can't help but giggle when I say that). This means that he is part Chihuahua and part Wiener dog. Although, he is 3/4 Wiener dog so that is more what I think of him as. He is the runt of the litter so even with his small dog roots, he will likely only grow to be 10 lbs. at the most. Josh and I are discovering that a puppy is a little more difficult than anticipated but, we have found such good information and even with using potty pads, he has been doing really well so we are hopeful that it will continue this way!

In other news.. I am beyond thrilled to share with you all a combination project I have been working on. The company I work for produces multiple newspapers and within our papers we have special sections. These special sections are annual or sometimes more often, supplements that are inserted into our daily or weekly papers. Well, I was presented  with the opportunity to write a article in our most recent Spring Home Improvement section. I, of course, was more than happy to oblige! We had just completed the main portion of our DIY Faux Fireplace, so it was the perfect timing to turn that project  into a story. I originally planned to use the project as a blog  post but by taking the opportunity I was able to have the project printed and available online! So, CLICK HERE to open the site my job uses to post our publications online and take a look! The whole section itself is a great production but if you're feeling antsy, my story is on pages 6 & 7 :)

Thank you all so, so much for all of your love and support! I appreciate it more than you know!

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